How to wrap your head around health disparities, health equity, and social determinants of health!

How to wrap your head around health disparities, health equity, and social determinants of health!

The latest report from the nonprofit Commonwealth Fund confirms what we already knew: that the United States is leading the world in people who suffer from multiple chronic conditions and obesity. This distinction means American citizens have almost double the obesity rates compared to the average of the other 36 countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The gravity of this alarming news should not be overlooked. Instead, it should inspire us to take immediate action to address the current state of our nation’s health. But you may wonder, “What can we do to drive change?”

The Healthy People 2030 Initiative

In 1979, the HHS and Office of Disease Prevention started a mission to make us all healthier with the “Healthy People” initiative. For over 40 years, they have created strategic plans to make this a reality. In this latest iteration, they’ve focused on five areas to develop a framework for healthier living. You might’ve heard these buzzwords thrown around by healthcare executives, the government, and the media, but do you really know what they mean? So, let’s dive in and get a clear understanding.

The Framework:

  1. Health Disparities
  2. Health Equity
  3. Health Literacy
  4. Well-being
  5. Social Determinants of Health
  6. Health Disparities

Health disparities are not only mere differences in health among individuals but also health gaps linked with social, economic, and environmental factors. They can relate to gender, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, geographic location, or other characteristics associated with discrimination or exclusion. The goal is to reduce disparities between different demographics (using the ideas discussed below), improving our nation’s overall health.

  1. Health Equity

Health equity is achieved when all patients have access to resources needed for optimal health. A person’s race, ethnicity, gender identity, or any other demographic factor should not influence a person’s health. This includes access to quality healthcare services and social support systems such as education and employment opportunities. By addressing access to quality healthcare, employment opportunities, and education at a systemic level, better overall health outcomes for all are attainable.

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  1. Health Literacy

Health literacy is more than just understanding medical jargon- it’s about comprehending and applying that information to make informed decisions for our well-being. To achieve this, health organizations must offer resources that are user-friendly, easily accessible, and doable. By doing so, people can make empowered choices related to prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and ongoing care, leading to a healthier population overall. In addition, prioritizing health literacy puts the power of information in everyone’s hands.

  1. Well-being

Well-being is about the perception of one’s overall life satisfaction. It can be different for everyone, but the goal is to lead healthy and fulfilled lives across the lifespan. Achieving overall mental and physical health, having a purpose in life, feeling secure, bouncing back from stressors when needed, and garnering access to vital healthcare resources all play a role in well-being. It combines subjective elements, such as satisfaction with life, and tangible components, like income or education. Focusing on well-being across all demographics helps build healthier communities and improves the quality of living for everyone.

  1. Social Determinants of Health

The conditions in which we live affect our health and well-being in more ways than we might realize. These are known as social determinants of health (SDOH), encompassing many factors that can impact our lives. For example, having safe housing and transportation, living in a clean environment, and having access to healthy food and exercise opportunities can all positively affect our health. Conversely, experiencing discrimination and violence or living in polluted areas can negatively affect our well-being. In addition, education, job opportunities, and income are essential factors in determining our overall quality of life. By understanding and addressing these social determinants, we can work to create healthier and more equitable communities for all.


We cannot ignore the nation’s health status, and there are steps we can take to move forward. Educating ourselves about Health Disparities, Health Equity, and Social Determinants of Health will help us understand what improvements need to be made in our communities today. There are various initiatives underway to address these issues. 

Qualify Health is an organization that prides itself in promoting health equity and impacting health disparities. By partnering with hospital systems, cancer treatment centers, specialty pharmacies, and physician offices, Qualify Health provides innovative patient financial advocacy solutions to minimize the financial burden on patients with chronic and life-changing illnesses. Patient Financial Advocacy solutions, like those provided through Qualify Health, are essential to improving all people’s overall health and well-being, regardless of socioeconomic status.

By implementing changes, we can create healthier communities and improve the quality of life for everyone.

For more information about Patient Financial Advocacy Solutions, contact Qualify Health at (888)770-7191.

An Indianapolis Health System’s $60 Million Health Equity Initiative

Health equity has become a key focus in healthcare, and it’s making headlines and hospitals across the country are being tasked with playing a critical role in the health equity movement. As anchors in their communities, hospitals can harness their economic power and community linkages to shape change.

The CDC has defined ‘Health Equity’ as “The state in which everyone has a fair and just opportunity to attain their highest level of health” and has highlighted that the following societal efforts need to occur

  1. Address historical and contemporary injustices;
  2. Overcome economic, social, and other obstacles to health and health care; and
  3. Eliminate preventable health disparities

The one area that healthcare organizations can make the fastest and most significant impact is by addressing #2: Overcoming economic, social, and other obstacles to health and health care; which we will be addressing in this blog through three avenues that are at a hospitals fingertips.

  1. Food Insecurity 

Food insecurity is a major issue for many individuals and families in the US, and it has been estimated that more than 37 million Americans are food insecure. This means that they do not have reliable access to enough affordable, nutritious food to lead an active, healthy lifestyle. Food insecurity can lead to health issues such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even mental health conditions due to the lack of proper nutrition.

  1. Transportation

Another significant barrier to care for many individuals is transportation, especially those in need of medical care. The geriatric population and those suffering from chronic illness are particularly vulnerable to this issue due to their limited mobility and financial resources. Without access to reliable transportation, these individuals may have difficulty accessing the necessary health services they need due to time or distance constraints. This can lead to delayed diagnosis or treatment, resulting in poorer health outcomes overall. 

  1. Housing Instability

An estimated 18 million Americans, face issues with housing instability. Housing insecurity can lead to poor health outcomes due to inadequate living conditions, lack of access to medical care, and increased stress levels caused by financial difficulty.  

What Eskenazi Health is Doing to Overcome Health Disparities in their Community 

Eskenazi Health in Indianapolis is taking diligent steps in its fight against health inequity through its latest initiative. The multifaceted approach seeks to reduce barriers for those most vulnerable and at risk for poor health outcomes due to social determinants of health such as food insecurity, transportation, and housing instability. Eskenzai Health Foundation received $36 million towards the $60 million Health Equity Campaign. Through this campaign, the hospital system intends to make strides toward creating a stronger, healthier community by addressing these issues head-on.

Eskenazi Health’s health equity initiative is an example of how communities can proactively address healthcare disparities. This campaign will not only reduce barriers for members of the community but also raise awareness of the health inequities present in our society and work towards a more equitable healthcare system. Eskenazi Health is actively working to ensure those most at risk are provided with access to necessary resources for a healthy lifestyle. By continuing its efforts, Eskenazi Health is well on its way to creating a healthier and more equitable community for all. 

How Qualify Health Can Help 

Sourcing funds for managing long-term or chronic illness is a key element needed to reduce the financial burden placed on patients. Qualify Health’s Patient Financial Advocacy solution makes it easy for hospitals to help their patients obtain financial assistance such as co-pay, premium, transportation assistance, and more. This financial assistance enables patients to pay for the treatment they need as well as living expenses instead of having to choose.

For more information about Patient Financial Advocacy Solutions, contact Qualify Health at (888)770-7191.

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